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In order to ensure you’re able to fully enjoy your property, you’ll want to keep it as free of pests as possible. We’re sure most of this will be obvious, but it never hurts to refresh your memory!

If you do suspect you have a pest infestation, let us know as soon as possible so we can begin to resolve it for you.

Which pests do you need to look out for?

Some of the pests that people in the UK commonly have trouble with include:

  • Mice

  • Fleas

  • Rats

  • Spiders

  • Foxes

  • Cockroaches

  • Bees

  • Ants

  • Wasps

  • Bedbugs

These pests will cause different problems and vary in terms of the threat to safety they pose depending on potential allergies or phobias. While foxes will probably just go through your bins and be too scared to come near you even if you go outside, a wasp nest could deliver some nasty stings if you disturb it.


It’s important that you do everything possible to prevent a pest infestation, both inside and outside the house.


Food waste should be a key concern inside your home. Crumbs and general food debris around the kitchen or living room should be cleared up and any leftovers should be stored in an airtight container so ants are not attracted to them. In terms of bins and food waste, the bin should be closed or otherwise sealed at all times. When it is full, remove the bin liner and take it to the food waste bin outside.

Cleaning should be something you do to maintain a hygienic home anyway, but if things aren’t particularly clean, pests will breed easily. Make sure that kitchen counters, tables and floors are cleaned regularly to prevent crumbs and food building up. If there is clutter on bedroom floors and in living room, this should be cleared as regularly as possible because they provide hiding places and homes for pests. You should also ensure you vacuum regularly, not just to clean the floors and other surfaces but also to catch pests and their eggs.

Here are some other things you can do to prevent pests taking over your home:

  • Fill any cracks or holes in the walls that could provide access for insects or rodents to the inside of your home

  • Fix any leaks that might result in standing water

  • Check any pets that spend time outside for fleas on a regular basis

  • Use over-the-counter pest control products if you suspect that you do have a mouse in the walls or you’re finding a lot of wasps entering the house.

2a Hanningtons Lane
Brighton BN1 1GS

01273 722923

Registered in England & Wales: 11695136
Registered office: 4 Cedar Park, Cobham Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2SF
© 2023 Parkdene Property Services Ltd

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